Change category owner

Change owner for one category

  1. Log into your KMC and select the Categories tab.
  2. Click on the name or thumbnail of the desired category.
  3. The metadata page displays.
  4. Click Entitlements.

    If the Entitlements tab is not visible for that category, please refer to our article How to add entitlements to Categories for detailed instructions. 

  5. Scroll down to the Owner section and click Change Owner on the right.
  6. The Change Owner window displays.
  7. Enter the user name or ID. If the selected user is already listed in Kaltura, the user’s ID or name is autocompleted. 
  8. Click Apply.
  9. The new owner displays in the Owner section.
  10. Click Save at the top right.

Change owner for multiple categories

  1. Log into your KMC and select the Categories tab.
  2. Click the boxes next to the desired categories.
  3. The Bulk Actions menu displays at the top of the page.
  4. Click to open the Bulk Actions menu and select Change Category Owner.
    The Change Owner window displays.

  5. Enter the new owner’s User Name or User ID.
  6. When the selected user is already listed in Kaltura, the user’s ID or name is auto completed. 
  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. After saving, the user entered is added as the new category owner.
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