Browse, search & embed


Embed content in a document within the course content
You can embed content in two ways - into a document in the course content (see below) or directly in the course content . Navigate to the desired course. Open the “Course Content” section and navigate to the document. Click the “+” sign in ...
Embed content directly in the course content
You can embed content in two ways - directly in the course content (see below) or into a document in the course content .  Navigate to the desired course. Open the “Course Content” section, and locate the “+” sign to create a new content item:...
Submission workflow for video assignments - Blackboard
Use embedded video submissions as assignments to prevent the video from being edited or deleted across the board for LMS integrations.
Embedding Kaltura media - Blackboard
The Browse, search and embed (BSE) tool lets you easily search through My media, Media Gallery, Shared Repository, and playlists, and embed them on your page.
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