Create and edit draft entries


Draft entries in Kaltura's Video Portal offer users the convenience of generating an entry without the immediate need to upload content such as videos, audios, or images. During the creation process, users can specify the metadata of the entry, such as titles and descriptions. This is useful for creating entries in advance, or for collaborating with others on an entry.

The examples shown below have the Theming module and the draftentry module enabled.

Create a draft entry

  1. Select Draft Entry from the +Create menu.
    The Add New Draft Entry window displays.
  2. Enter a name for the new entry (required). 
  3. Type a description, tags, and any other custom metadata fields as configured for your instance. 
  4. Click Save

Until content is uploaded, the draft entry displays a generic thumbnail or banner.

Draft entry thumbnail

Edit a draft entry

You have many editing options for draft entries, just like with regular entries. This gives you plenty of ways to customize your draft before adding content. 

  1. To edit the draft entry, click to open the three dots menu.
  2. In the drop-down menu, choose Edit.
    The Edit page displays.
  3. Once you're in the Edit page, you can:
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