Add presenters to media page


The Presenters tab is a feature in Kaltura's Video Portal that allows you to easily manage and showcase specific presenters for your media content. When you add presenters using this tab, their names become clickable links for anyone viewing the content. Users can click on these links to see the presenter's profile and find all the media they are presenting in one convenient place. It's a handy tool for organizing and highlighting the individuals involved in your media presentations.

Access the edit page

  1. Click the thumbnail of the media you want to add presenters to.
    The Media entry page displays.

  2. Click the three dots to open the drop-down menu.
  3. Choose Edit.
    The edit page displays.

Add presenters

  1. Choose the Presenters tab.

    If you don't see the Presenters tab on your edit page, ask your administrator to enable it in the Presenters module.

  2. Click Add a Presenter.

    The Add a Presenter window displays.

  3. Type a name or names. Start typing and auto-complete will be presented for users and groups. For exact name searches, use quotation marks, for example, 'John'.
  4. Click Add.
    The presenter is added.
  5. Click Back to Media Page to see the presenter's name on the media entry page.
    Their name displays below the media information.
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