Popular Articles

  1. How to get the direct download URL (raw file) for your media?

    The download link for your content can be retrieved by the flavorAsset.getUrl API call or the downloadUrl returned on the entry object. Following you will find instructions for both options. To get the download link via the downloadUrl prop Ope...
  2. Media Gallery in Canvas

    The Media Gallery is a library of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course.
  3. Create a recording with Express Capture

    Express Capture allows you to record content directly from your browser and upload it to your video portal or KAF application without needing any extra software.
  4. Capture folder directory

    The Kaltura Capture directory is where you’ll find all the essential files and settings for your recordings and the application itself.
  5. Upload and manage captions in KMC

    You can upload multiple subtitle and caption files and transcripts, or link to an external captions file in KMC.
  6. Kaltura Events

  7. Enabling 3rd Party Cookies for Chrome “Incognito” Mode and Safari for Mac

    About When you are logged into your media library or KMS using the Chrome incognito mode (Version 83 or above) or the Safari browser, and you click to join a virtual room, you might see the following screen display: This happens because, in ...
  8. Access your Watch List

    Kaltura's Watch List is a nice quick way to store videos for later consumption.
  9. How to avoid the "3rd party cookie" error message in the KAF based LMS Integrations

    Several browsers do not block third-party cookies by default. However, Safari and Firefox automatically block third-party cookies.   Google will soon join Safari and Firefox in blocking third-party cookies in its Chrome web browser. To avoid a "3r...
  10. Log into your video portal

    About This article explains how to log into Kaltura's Video Portal using the advanced login page, which is based on the Theming design.  Prerequisite You need to set up the Login module and enable the Theming module .  ...
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