Media Gallery in Canvas
The Media Gallery is a library of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course.
Media Gallery in Canvas - Theming
The Media Gallery is a central location in each course where users can view rich media assigned to the course.
Manage a Media Gallery in Canvas
The Media Gallery serves as a centralized space where all course-related content is stored, organized, and shared.
Import other Media Galleries in Canvas
Channel/Media Gallery Managers have the ability to import content from other Channels/Media Galleries they manage.
Import other Media Galleries in Canvas - Theming
Media Gallery managers can import other galleries they manage
Moderate Media Gallery content - Theming
Kaltura's content moderation feature allows managers and moderators to approve or reject media before it becomes publicly accessible, ensuring that all content aligns with community standards.
Moderate Media Gallery content
Media Gallery managers and moderators can approve or reject content when moderation is required before media is displayed.
Access pending media
Access your course, then on the left menu bar, click on Media Gallery . ...
Search and filter in a media gallery in Canvas - Theming
The Media Gallery offers powerful search and filter tools to help you quickly find and organize content.