Moderate Media Gallery content


Media Gallery managers and moderators can approve or reject content when moderation is required before media is displayed.

Access pending media

  1. Access your course, then on the left menu bar, click on Media Gallery.
  2. The Media Gallery link is typically located on the course navigation panel, as seen in our example. However, depending on your account setup, you might access the Media Gallery differently. See your Kaltura Administrator for further information.

    The Media Gallery displays with the Home tab open by default.

  3. In the Media Gallery, click on the Pending tab.
  4. If there are no media items pending moderation, the Pending tab is not displayed.

    The Pending page displays.


You can use the search field and filters to find specific items. Your results will appear, allowing you to approve or reject as needed.

You can click on the play button or title of the media to view it.

Approve or reject

Click Approve (green) to the right of the media you want to approve or reject. A confirmation message displays: Are you sure you want to approve [media title].

Click Reject (red) to the right of the media you want to reject. A confirmation message displays: Are you sure you want to reject [media title]. 

Approved content will be added to the Media Gallery immediately. Rejected media will not be added to the Media Gallery.

Bulk approve or reject

You can perform bulk actions to approve or reject them simultaneously. Simply select the media items by clicking the checkboxes on the thumbnails and then click Approve or Reject at the top of the page.

Approved content is displayed in the Media Gallery for all users enrolled in the course.

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