New Articles

  1. Annoto

    This module adds Annoto's in-video collaboration assessment and insights solutions to Kaltura Video Portal (aka KMS) and LMS integrations (Kaltura Application Framework aka KAF). To learn more, see Introduction to Annoto . For KAF and LMS i...
  2. Home

    Use this module to configure your MediaSpace home page/landing page. For more information see Setting the Home Page - Kaltura MediaSpace . Field Description enabled Enable the Home Module. thumbnailRotator Enable thumbnail imag...
  3. History

    The History Module allows Video Portal users to access their watch history from the My History option in the user menu or header menu, or via https://{your_KMS_URL}/history. After enabling this module, you can configure the My History...
  4. Headermenu

    About About This module allows you to specify the items visible at the top right of the navigation bar ('header') or within the user drop-down menu. Additionally, you can use it to add a link to your My Profile page, whether it&#...
  5. Facebook Module

    This module enables metadata tags such that the thumbnail, entry name, description and URL can display in a post on Facebook or other social media sites such as LinkedIn. Without this module enabled, when you paste the URL of a Kaltura media page ...
  6. Entrydesign

    About The Entrydesign module allows media owners and co-editors to modify the styling of a specific media page. This module is designated for Kaltura MediaSpace and KAF applications. Configure Enable the Module enabled  - When enabled...
  7. Downloadmedia module

    About Enable this module to set which media versions viewers can download from the media page. Configure 1. Go to your KMS or KAF admin page, and navigate to the Downloadmedia module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/a...
  8. Disclaimer module

    Administrators can enforce the Terms of Agreement text and checkbox for end-users to review and/or accept before uploading or publishing content. Please note, it's not possible to display different disclaimer messages for audiences based on ...
  9. Customdata module Updated

    The Customdata module allows you to add metadata to media in your application in addition to the basic metadata (Name, Description, Tags). Learn more about how to create a metadata scheme in our article Add Custom Metadata Schema . You wi...
  10. Channelplaylists module

    About The Channelplaylists module allows channel managers to add a playlist collection page to their channel (in addition to the media page). For the user guide, see Create a channel playlist . Prerequisites  Setting visibility of th...
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