Navigation module


Site navigation is the way visitors move through your site's pages and content. The navigation bar generally displays the pages and sections on your site that your visitors can click on and be redirected to. 

Applies exclusively to the Video Portal.

This guide demonstrates the Video Portal Theming module. To select your preferred navigation bar when Theming module is enabled, visit navbar settings in the template pages.

Navigation style

  1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Navigation module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/navigation.

    The module page displays.

  2. Configure the following:

showNavigation - Choose if navigation should be displayed (the default is 'Yes').

The image below displays showNavigation set to 'No'.

The image below displays showNavigation set to 'Yes'.

navigationStyle - Choose whether you want a horizontal or vertical header. Vertical displays a hidden menu on the left side for all screen sizes, while horizontal shows a top menu on desktops and switches to vertical on smaller screens.

The image below shows the navigation style set to vertical.

showNavbarSearch - Choose if the search box in the header should be displayed (as shown in the image below). The default is 'Yes'.

includeCategories - Select 'No' if you don't want the categories to display in the main navigation and only want PRE and POST items to appear

For more information about adding a category, read our article Categories.


Here you can set a landing page for all guests who navigate to the base URL of the site. Ensure the selected page is accessible to guests by setting the page you create with "Guest override" or using a public channel page.

  1. Click +Add "landingpages".

  2. In the section that displays, configure the following:
    • enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the landing page
    • type - Select the type of page to use from the drop-down menu.
    • value - Enter the relevant value for the selected type: URL for links, ID for playlist


Here you can add a single page or multiple homepages to your site for logged-in users on the base site URL.

  1. Click +Add "homePages".

  2. In the section that displays, configure the following:
    • enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the landing page
    • type - Select from the drop-down menu the type of page to use.
    • value - Enter the relevant value for the selected type: URL for links, ID for playlist.
    • allowedGroups - You can choose a group to display this homepage to. Leave it empty to show it to all users or users not in any homepage group. For users in multiple groups, the first homepage will appear. If no groups or alternative homepages exist, the first item from the Pre/Post navigation list they have access to will be shown.
    • Click +Add AllowedGroups.
    • In the new section that displays, click Select Groups.
    • Type in a group name or ID.
    • Click Submit.

Repeat these steps to add more groups.

'Pre' menu

Next is the Pre section. This is where you'll add menu items to the beginning of the navigation bar (before the galleries or 'categories'). Your video portal displays the items in the order you define here.

1. Configure the following:

Type - Select one of the options:

  • Playlist - Enter a playlist ID. This will redirect users to that playlist's page.
  • My Media - This will redirect users to the My Media page, and will only show for permitted roles.
  • My Playlists - This will redirect users to the My Playlists page.
  • Link - Enter any link to redirect users to.
  • Category - Choose a gallery from a drop-down list. This will redirect users to the gallery page.
  • Entry ID - Enter an entry ID. Will redirect users to that entry's media page.
  • Channels page - This will redirect users to the All Channels page.
  • My Channels - This will redirect users to the My Channels page.
  • Channel - Choose a channel from the drop-down list. This will redirect users to that channel's main page.
  • Label - Only input text for a label. You can use this to organize content beneath the label in a hierarchy.
  • Partner KMS URL - Enter a link to another Video Portal in the same partner. This enables logged-in users to access that Video Portal without needing to log in again.
  • My Content Analytics - This will redirect users to the My Content analytics page.
  • Custom page - Choose a custom page from the drop-down menu (added from the Custompages module). This will redirect users to the custom page, and will only show if the page is enabled.

If you choose a type which has a drop-down menu, you can add items to the dropdown by clicking +Add items.

The items section expands. Configure the following:

  • type - Select one of the options from the drop-down list.  
  • name - Enter the name of the menu item. The name is displayed in the main navigation bar.
  • Depending on what you choose from the drop-down list, other options will display:

    • value - Enter the menu item's playlist ID or URL.
    • sameWindow (displays if you selected 'Link') - The default is 'No'. Select 'Yes' if you want the page to open in the same window.
    • category (displays of you selected Category) - Click the blue Select Gallery button and enter the gallery name or ID.
    • entryID - Enter an entry ID to redirect users to that entry's media page.
    • channel (displays of you selected Channel) - Click the blue Select Channel button and enter the channel name or ID.
    • url - (displays if you selected Partner KMS Url) - Enter a link to another Video Portal in the same partner. This enables logged-in users to access that Video Portal without needing to log in again.
    • page - Select a custom page from the drop-down list. Custom page in status disabled will not be shown on the menu.

allowedGroups - Choose the group that should see this item. A user who's not in that group won't see this page in their navigation menu.

To create the next 'pre' element, click +Add "pre" and repeat the steps.

If you would like your first item on the header to be a homepage, you can follow the steps in Setup a Homepage.

To learn more about setting up pages for your site, you can read Create and use a template page.

Below is an example with 'Home' positioned as the first item in the navigation bar:

'Post' menu

Next is the Post section. This is where you'll add items that come after the galleries (also known as 'categories'). Your Video Portal displays the items in the order you define here.

  1. Click +Add "post".

  2. Follow the steps in the Pre menu section above.

To create the next post element, click +Add "post" again and repeat the steps.

Below is an example of the Channels page as the main link, and the 'Survival skills' channel as the first item in the drop-down menu.

Finally, when you have finished your configurations, scroll down and click Save.

If you'd like to learn more about adding a channel to your navigation menu, you can follow the steps in Create a new channel.

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