Popular Articles

  1. How do I dynamically embed an HTML5 video player

    If you want to embed the player dynamically, the library supports rewriting swfObject or flashembed. In addition, the library supports a native mechanism to embed the iframe: kalturaIframeEmbed( 'kaltura-video', { 'wid' : '_243342',...
  2. Access and work in the Media Gallery

    Overview The Media Gallery is a repository of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course. Users may contribute new media items to the Media Gallery or add media items (publish) from M...
  3. Replace an entry via the Video Portal

    About You can replace video entries while keeping the entry’s metadata, URL, and analytics intact. However, time-based metadata may need manual adjustment if it becomes out of sync with the new media. If the video is publis...
  4. What kind of embedded captions are supported by the Kaltura Player?

    The following embed caption configuration applies to TTML captions inside Live Streams.  The Kaltura V2 player's "Show embedded captions" setting will show live captions that have been ingested/embedded with the third-party...
  5. Managing VOD Creation for Webcasting Events

    Kaltura Webcasting enables you to create a VOD of your Webcasting event, and make the VOD available to participants who were unable to attend the live event. By default, each event creates a VOD.  Archiving Events  Archiving events enabl...
  6. Kaltura Recording Calendar Management (Webcasting)

    Overview of Kaltura Recording Scheduling The Kaltura Calendar enables leveraging Kaltura's media management capabilities to schedule recordings using partner capture devices. The scheduled recordings are later available in the Kaltura environ...
  7. Kaltura eCDN Release Notes

    Release Date Released Details v20.4.1-1 June 16, 2023 Details v20.4-1 Dec 8, 2022 Details v20.3-3 June 7, 2022 Details v20.3-2 Jan 7, 2022 Details v20.3 March 24, 2021 Details v20.1 Jan 16, 2019 ...
  8. How to capture the PowerPoint audio?

    When recording a PowerPoint slide show with audio the Kaltura Capture audio input must be enabled along with the system audio.  To enable system audio recording 1. Launch your Kaltura Capture application. 2. Navigate to the Setting tab and ...
  9. Kaltura Webcasting Moderated Q&A - Managing Messages

    Managing Messages Moderators can use the different queues to manage incoming messages. All new messages will appear in the Incoming queue. All announcements will appear under the Announcements queue.  All previously answered threads can be fo...
  10. Configuring SSO Gateway Authentication and Authorization

    To learn more about integrating MediaSpace with your authentication systems using the MediaSpace SSO Gateway,   Kaltura MediaSpace Authentication and Authorization Solutions – Overview and Kaltura MediaSpace SSO Integration Guide. To...
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