Popular Articles

  1. Create and Edit Your Course Quizzes

    This article describes how to create course quizzes for on-demand and live assessment. Quizzes are a great tool for measuring learner success and self assessment. With Kaltura Live Room Quizzes you are able to keep tabs on learner progress and me...
  2. Introduction to Kaltura Webcasting

    Kaltura Webcasting enables you to orchestrate highly produced live streaming events to large audiences. Kaltura Webcasting supports you from the initial planning stage to live broadcast production and management and finally to post-production and af...
  3. Kaltura Media Gallery - Add Media Window

    This article describes how to work in the Add Media window of the Kaltura Media Gallery.
  4. Kaltura REACH

  5. Take Notes In Your Live Sessions

    Moderators use Notes to highlight key live discussion points that all participants can see being written in real time. Notes can then be downloaded as branded PDF's. Kaltura Live Room Notes are not your basic note taking tool. With Kal...
  6. Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go) Android

  7. How to customize default messages

    When a user performs a certain action, such as completing a registration process or trying to access unauthorized content, a default message is displayed. If you'd like to change the wording of a message or completely rewrite it to suit your ...
  8. Standard Audio Description New

    What is Audio Description? Audio description gives a spoken description of the detail and imagery in a video to make content accessible to individuals who have a vision impairment. By providing these viewers with a similar ex...
  9. Visual tab

    Read the following guide to learn the Visual tab functionalities in the Player Studio. Under the Visual tab, administrators can change the look and feel of the player, such as adding a custom CSS, logo, change colors, and more. Access the Play...
  10. Extended audio description New

    What is audio description? Audio description gives a spoken description of the detail and imagery in a video to make content accessible to individuals who have a vision impairment. By providing these viewers with a similar experience to a si...
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