Upload and share files


Upload Files To Share
Upload files to your Kaltura Live Room classroom then share them with your session participants. Which formats can be uploaded? With Kaltura Meetings, you can upload files by clicking the Add File button or by dragging & dropping a file f...
Organize & Find Your Files
Create folders to keep your uploaded files or content organized. Then simply do a search to access those various files.  Create Folders Go to Files Click the Add Folder button. Enter in a folder name. Click Save to create the folder...
Kaltura Meetings - Play or Share Your Uploaded Files
Share your uploaded files for synchronous viewing in your live session by playing files from Files or your Playlist. Play A File From Files Click Files. Navigate your cloud storage and select a file you want to share. Click Play....
Prepare Your Playlist
Save time finding files during your session by using playlist to organize your files ahead of time. You can add up to 50 items to your playlist at a time.  Add Uploaded Files To Your Playlist Click Files. Click the Add File but...
Download Your Uploaded Files
You can download original copies of files uploaded to your course. Download Files from the CMS As an instructor or admin, you can download original copies of the files you upload from Files in the CMS.   Click Files in the upper bar of ...
Share A Direct Link To Your Kaltura Recordings and Uploaded Files
This articles describes how to share direct links to recordings and files within your Kaltura Live Room. All you need to do is turn link sharing on, copy the link, then share it with your contacts. By default, your Kaltura recordings and uploaded ...
Manage All Files Within Your Virtual Classroom
Virtual Classroom files enable you to access and manage all files uploaded in your courses without having to enter each course individually. Access and Navigate Virtual Classroom Files Virtual Classroom Files are accessible to Admins and Ins...
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