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  1. Preparing for a Webcasting Event

    Preparation is a key factor in ensuring the success of a live broadcast event. There are many details you can define and collect even before you begin to make sure that you are prepared. The following list describes the preparation tasks that you ...
  2. Lecture Capture - Scheduling Initial Setup

    Recording Scheduler Initial Setup Resources   - Setup the resources/devices to use. Permissions - Setup the roles that are allowed to schedule a recording at the school/institution. Publishing Categories - Setup when categories need to be c...
  3. Lecture Capture - Enabling the Monitoring Module in Kaltura MediaSpace

    This guide is intended for KMS and KAF administrators. The v2UI Module must be enabled in the KMS or KAF Management Console for the Monitoring Dashboard to display correctly in KMS and KAF. Enabling the Monitoring Dashboard in Kaltura MediaSpa...
  4. Delete Whiteboard and Annotative Drawn Marks

    This article describes how to delete marks drawn on your digital whiteboard or shared files. There are a few options to delete objects drawn on your digital whiteboard or shared files. Delete or Erase Drawn Objects Moderators can delete any m...
  5. Liveentry

    Field Description enabled Enable the Liveentry module. multicastStreaming Use multicast streaming for Live Events (if DVR is enabled, it will be disabled in runtime). dvrEnabled Enable DVR for Live Events record...
  6. Federatedsearchindexing

    See the article Federated Search – Indexing Module for more information about this module. Field Description enabled Enable the Federatedsearchindexing module. indexSyncFeed   When clicking Save, a feed will be gener...
  7. Virtual Classroom - Overview & Exercises

    Let's Practice Launch Kaltura Meeting  Login to your Mediaspace  or LMS  site   Enter a Channel/Media Gallery and select the Media Tab. Click  "Launch Live Room" to launch the virtual room.  Or Launch your personal ro...
  8. Lecture Capture - Live Broadcasting

    Overview of Live Broadcasting with Kaltura Lecture Capture With the addition of live capabilities, Kaltura Lecture Capture now includes both the ability to record any classroom and the ability to broadcast lectures live at the same time. This allow...
  9. Setting Up a Form for the Custom Object in Eloqua

    On the upper control bar of Eloqua, click Assets and then Forms. Select Create a Form. Select Blank Form. Click Custom Field and then double click Single Line Text to add each one of the following fields. Define field by field ...
  10. Setting Up a Custom Object for Video Engagement Data

    To setup a custom object for the video engagement data in Eloqua On the upper control bar of Eloqu, click Contacts then click Custom Objects. Click Custom Object and select New Custom Object. In the Custom Object definition, give the custo...
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