
Is it possible to define File Size Restrictions for uploads via Moodle?
Kaltura does not provide file size restrictions for uploads because this may lead to several issues. For instance, the file size does not indicate the video duration. Uploads may fail and support cases may be created. Instead, Kaltura is offering Me...
How to create multiple shared repositories in KAF
Having multiple shared repositories is currently supported only in MediaSpace and not in KAF applications. Thus, the setting addressing the number of Shared Repositories under the SharedRepositories module is not relevant for KAF environments and ap...
How to disable our users from ordering captions in general, and specifically for human captions
The available services that would display on your KAF extension are only the ones permitted for your account, Human, or Machine respectively. That said, please refer to the 'REACH' module on the KAF admin page in order to limit the users...
What is the best practice for merging two custom metadata schemes?
Please note that there is no out-of-the-box solution for merging between two custom metadata schemes. If this cannot be achieved manually, our Professional Services team may be able to create a script to help automate the process. However, this may...
Can I rename the Media tab?
Renaming the media tab can be achieved by uploading a custom language file with the desired text change. For more information about using customizing languages in KMS or KAF, please see  Localization for KMS/KAF Administrators - How to Change ...
Can I change the My Media and Media Gallery names?
The 'My Media' & 'Media Gallery' names are hard-coded in the plugin and there is no out-of-the-box solution for modifying them. However, if necessary, it may be possible for our IT admin to manually change it in the individual pl...
Can we reuse playlists in multiple courses?
By design, playlists are copied to rather than reassigned to multiple courses. This is unlike media, where it can be "reused" or published in several different media galleries. Unfortunately, there is no alternative other than to duplicate...
Why use custom metadata schema and nested filters when using a Shared Repository
Custom metadata schema and nested filters enable us to fill in additional information when publishing content into a shared repository. Custom metadata schema allow us to add details in a form of fields while nested filters allows us to categorize...
How to change the course ID in our KMC to be the course name
Usually, the KAF configuration uses the "ltiContextIdAttribute" LTI attribute to create the KMC channel and uses the 'context_id' value in order to name the channel in the KMC. KAF utilizes three different LTI attributes in order t...
What is the difference between Moodle Assignment and Kaltura Media Assignment?
The Moodle Assignment  activity allows students to submit different types of assignments to their teachers for grading (e.g. uploading a document, writing text, embedded videos, html content, etc.). Using the Moodle Assignment workflow interfa...
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