Why do I get 'Access denied' message after course has concluded?

The information below pertains to Kaltura Video App for Canvas Kaltura Application Framework (KAF) LTI 1.1

What's the problem?

Embedding Kaltura media through the Rich-Text editor in a Canvas group space, such as a group's discussion or announcement board, might cause problems with accessing course material after the course has concluded, when choosing Conclude this Course from the menu or prompted from the Conclude Course button.

All users who previously had access to the course (students, teachers, etc.) are going to be removed from the course, as demonstrated in the before and after images below:

Before concluding course

After concluding course

After concluding a course, all the embedded media (published in the “InContext” category under course MediaGallery) will become unavailable for a user and the error message “Access Denied“ will be displayed:

Why does it happen?

This problem occurs due to the user role that came with the LTI request to Kaltura. See the screenshots before and after the course was concluded:

Before the course was concluded

After the course was concluded

As seen on the screenshot above, the user role is “None”. By default, the “None“ role in the Hosted module in the KAF admin (https://_your instance KAF URL_/admin/config/tab/hosted) is set to “anonymousRole”. 

Users with Anonymous roles do not have access to the My Media and Kaltura embed tools, so every time such a user attempts to open the Kaltura tool, an "Access Denied" error is prompted.

How can I fix it?

End users

You can manually embed the code by switching the text editor to HTML mode and pasting the media embed code. For additional information, please visit Share and Embed Media.


In the Hosted module, change the ITIRole "None" to  at least viewerRole to allow embedding content within Canvas groups. Please note that this will also grant My Media access to users with the "None" role. 

For additional information, please visit Introduction to role mapping. Ref Canvas Extension Release Notes - v1.1.


Kaltura Video App for Canvas Upgrading from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3.

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