Updated Articles

  1. Polls activity report

    The Polls activity report provides comprehensive poll data, including user votes.
  2. Moderator transcript

    The Moderator transcript provides moderators' transcripts event history.
  3. Chat moderation report

    The Chat moderation report provides activity data for the moderator's activity during the event.
  4. Chat user activity report

    The Chat user activity report provides chat activity data for each attendee, speaker, or moderator.
  5. Lead scoring report

    Empower Event Managers to evaluate lead rankings (hot, warm, or cold) based on engagement levels during an event. Armed with this insight, post-event marketing and sales activities can be tailored more effectively. Lead engagement is measured through various touchpoints such as content viewership, Chat and Collaborate interactions, In-Video Quiz participation, and Chat and Collaborate polls participation.
  6. Registration report

    The Registration report provides registrants' information from your registration form. It provides a list of attendees, their current registration status, registration origin (e.g., registration form, invitation, etc.), and all registration form fields data (including custom fields).
  7. People tab > All Users - User analytics

    This article describes how to view analytics on your users.
  8. Analytics tab - Reports

    This article describes how to generate and download reports on your event.
  9. Analytics tab - Engagement analytics

    This article describes how to view engagement analytics on your event.
  10. Analytics tab - Registration analytics

    This article describes how to view registration-related analytics on an event and download a PDF version of the dashboard.
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