Upload content to a draft entry via KMC


Draft entries allow you to create an entry without uploading content. Once the draft entry has been created, you can add content to it at a later time via the Flavors tab. To learn how to create a draft entry, see our article Create a Draft Entry.

Access the Flavors tab

  1. Log into the KMC.
  2. On the Entries page, click on the desired draft entry.

  3.  The entry details page displays.

  4. Click Flavors.

  5. The Flavors tab displays.


  1. Select the upload method: Upload from Desktop, Import from URL, or Match from Drop Folder (to learn more about these methods, see Upload Media via KMC and Drop folders Service for Content Ingestion.)

  2. Select the file to upload.
    After you trigger the action, the KMC immediately starts processing the file upload, and a message displays: Media is being processed.

  3. Feel free to navigate away from the Flavours tab anytime - no need to save.

  4. Once the uploading process has finished, a message displays: All required Transcoding Flavors are available. Entry is ready for publishing.

  5. The draft entry appears on the Entries page with the status 'Ready'.

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