Order chaptering via KMC


Adding chapters to your videos improves engagement and navigation. Viewers can effortlessly explore specific sections of the content that interest them the most. In addition, viewers can utilize the transcript's search functionality to pinpoint relevant keywords or phrases and instantly access the corresponding video chapter. The chapters are added as content metadata, just like creating  chapters manually. Chapter cue points are added to the entry.

Powered by AI technology, our video service transforms traditional watching into a personalized and efficient learning experience. This feature is particularly useful for learning, training, sales, and marketing videos.  

For a list of common terms related to creating caption and enrichment requests in Kaltura, see our article REACH terminology.

Access the Captions & Enrich page

  1. Log into your KMC.
  2. The Entries page displays.
  3. Locate the desired media and click the the three dots menu to the right, then select Captions & Enrich.
  4. The Captions & Enrich page displays.

3. Complete the fields as follows:

  • Service - Select 'Machine'.
  • Feature - Select 'Chaptering'.
  • Source media language - Select the source media language from the drop-down menu (this is the spoken language in the video). The options in the menu are dependent on your REACH plan.

4. Click Order.

A confirmation message displays: Your request has been received. Your video will automatically be updated upon completion.

The chapters will be uploaded when completed.

Notifications must be enabled by the system administrator.

User experience

While the video plays, chapter titles appear as segments in the scrubber bar as well as a title below the thumbnail preview. Chapters display in the panel on the right.

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