New Articles

  1. Overview of the Idomoo Integration with Kaltura Video Portal

    Idomoo brings together the power of video and data to deliver experiences that engage and excite customers. Their purpose-built, open Personalized Video platform enables brands to seamlessly launch any type of data-driven video campaign, from true 1...
  2. Kaltura Express Capture in Sakai

    Kaltura Express Capture enables recording content directly from the browser without the need to install any additional software. Kaltura Express Capture is now available for all KMS and KAF instances.
  3. Resume Playback

    Your history is listed as individual items, starting with the most recent first, while other sorting options are available. Use the My History page to rediscover videos you recently watched.
  4. Media Page

    This article describes how to access the Media Entry page and view media in KMS and KAF.
  5. Shared Repository

    The Shared Repository (aka Faculty Repository) is a central gallery where faculty can browse, search, watch and use media shared by other faculty members. Kaltura Administrators can populate the Shared Repository with curriculum and library content.
  6. Resume Playback

    Your history is listed as individual items, starting with the most recent first, while other sorting options are available. Use the My History page to rediscover videos you recently watched.
  7. Media Page

    This article describes how to access the Media Entry page and view media in KMS and KAF.
  8. Sponsors lead reports download guide

    Sponsors can download their lead reports directly from Kaltura’s platform. The report will include all attendees who opted-in to share their information with sponsors and visited the sponsor’s page, or watched one of the sponsor&rsquo...
  9. 3D Object Entry Account Administrator Guide

    Brand3D's integration with Kaltura MediaSpace provides users access to 3D effects and illustrations, a seamless point-and-click interface for adding 3D content, and the ability to introduce 3D effects during recording, editing, or after produ...
  10. Resume Playback

    Your history is listed as individual items, starting with the most recent first, while other sorting options are available. Use the My History page to rediscover videos you recently watched.
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