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  1. Understanding channel roles and permissions

    Channels in Kaltura MediaSpace (KMS) incorporate a roles and permissions system by which channel owners and managers can invite users and assign them specific roles.
  2. Add media to a channel

    In this guide, you'll learn how to add media to your channel in your video portal, whether you're uploading a single media item or several at once.
  3. KMS Version 5.109.56x May 28, 2023

    Version: 5.109.56x  Date Released: May 28, 2023 What's New? Meeting rooms changes - Adding a new API that will provide each personal room with a dedicated entry. This is part of the efforts of bringing room analytics into all Kaltura pr...
  4. Remove media from a gallery

    You will need to unpublish the media to remove media from a gallery.
  5. Add media to a gallery

    Galleries are a great way to organize related content.
  6. Edit a gallery

    Gallery owners and managers can edit the gallery's details, theme, and manage users.
  7. Media tab - Manage media for your event

    The Media page allows you to upload media to your event site and publish media to your video portal. It also allows you to edit, download, and delete that media.
  8. Create a gallery

    Administrators can create the main (parent) galleries in the Video Portal via the Management Console (KMC), and the sub-galleries from either the KMC or Video Portal.
  9. Understanding channels

    A video portal channel is a user-generated collection of content organized around a specific theme or topic.
  10. Understanding galleries

    A video portal gallery allows admins to create a centralized media library where they can upload, store, and share various types of media, including videos, images, audio files, and documents.
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