Introduction to the Management Console
The Kaltura Management Console (KMC) is the central hub and primary application within the Kaltura platform, serving as the commanding interface with robust capabilities for overseeing and controlling all aspects of video co...
Log into the KMC
After you are added as a user to the Kaltura Management Console (KMC), you may use your appropriate credentials to login. If you don't have an account, click Sign up on the Login screen for a free trial of the KMC. Application log in Ac...
Content menu
Learn about the Kaltura Management Console Content tab and its versatile capabilities.
Navigation bar
The KMC navigation bar is at the top of the user interface within the KMC platform. The bar contains essential navigation elements and options for administrators to access various features and functionalities. The KMC header contains t...
Log in with two-factor authentication
This article is for customers who have accounts enabled with 2-Factor Authentication (2FA).
Kaltura Customer Portal user guide
Welcome to the Kaltura Customer Portal guide!
Copy Kaltura Learning videos to your account
This article describes how to copy Kaltura's Learning videos to your Kaltura account. In doing so, you can boost product adoption and enhance user engagement.
Access the Kaltura Learning site .
Click on ...
Supported languages in KMC
Learn about the supported languages in Kaltura's Management Console and how to manage and customize language settings.