Resubmissions for REACH services


The Kaltura REACH Resubmissions feature lets you create new captions or translations for existing media entries. It’s ideal for situations like revised media content, updated REACH profile settings, or specific requirements such as custom dictionaries. Each resubmission generates a new, standalone file, allowing for flexibility and refinement.

If the service was previously ordered for the entry, a pop-up will notify the user and prompt them to confirm the new order.

This feature is available only for select services. To enable resubmission for additional services, contact your Kaltura representative.

Use cases

The resubmissions feature is useful in scenarios such as:

  • Updated media content: For revised or trimmed videos needing updated captions or translations.
  • Profile adjustments: When incorporating updated REACH profile settings, such as new dictionaries or custom vocabulary.


To use the resubmissions feature, ensure the following:

  • Kaltura REACH Enabled: Your Kaltura environment must have REACH configured.
  • Catalog item with resubmissions enabled: The Kaltura REACH catalog item configured in your environment must support resubmissions.
  • Permissions: The user initiating the resubmission must have the necessary permissions to submit Reach orders.
  • Service credits: Resubmissions require additional credits and incur costs, as per your contracted service plan.

Important considerations

  • Cost: Each resubmission incurs a separate charge. Be sure to evaluate the need for resubmissions.
  • Resubmissions are not intended for correcting initial output quality. For such cases, open a support ticket.

  • Turnaround time: The processing time for resubmitted content depends on the feature and type of service requested.
  • Versioning management: Each resubmission generates a new, independent file, which may require careful tracking for consistency.
  • Content and profile alignment: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure updated media content and REACH profile settings align with the resubmitted request to achieve the desired outcome.
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