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 Access control
Kaltura supports several publication restrictions to control content access based on business needs.
Your account settings include the data you submitted during the registration process and is accessed through the KMC settings tab.
Integration Updated
The Integration tab shows the settings needed for connecting your site to the Kaltura platform.
My User
As a KMC administrator, you can change your personal details, such as name and password, from the My User settings.
Create and manage SAML profiles
About This article describes how to view a full list of Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) profiles, create new SAML profiles, edit, and delete SAML profiles in the Kaltura Management Console (KMC).  SAML profiles facilitate a...
Subscribe KMC and Event accounts to Auth Broker profiles
About This article describes how to connect Kaltura Management Console (KMC) and Event accounts to Auth Broker in the KMC using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) profiles. Auth Broker is a "gateway" that sits...
In the REACH profiles and Services section, you can view the services on your account and view the cost per service. The current services available are for captions, translations, alignment, audio description and chaptering.
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