Updated Articles

  1. REACH terminology

    This article describes the common terms used for creating caption and translation requests from Kaltura.
  2.  REACH

    In the REACH profiles and Services section, you can view the services on your account and view the cost per service. The current services available are for captions, translations, alignment, audio description and chaptering.
  3. Integration Updated

    The Integration tab shows the settings needed for connecting your site to the Kaltura platform.
  4. Account

    Your account settings include the data you submitted during the registration process and is accessed through the KMC settings tab.
  5. Backend Behavior with Respect to Entitlement and Privacy Context Settings

    Privacy context and entitlement settings This article describes how the Kaltura backend behavior is impacted by the different types of entitlement settings. When an entry is ONLY assigned to categories that have a privacy context,...
  6. My User

    As a KMC administrator, you can change your personal details, such as name and password, from the My User settings.
  7. Metadata character limits

    Making sure titles, descriptions, and other metadata fields are just right is key for users to find what they're looking for and have a smooth experience.
  8. Create a custom data schema Updated

    A custom data schema helps organize content better by adding specific details through created fields, making it easier to find and manage digital assets.
  9. Custom data

    Custom data helps organize content better by adding specific details through created fields, making it easier to find and manage digital assets.
  10. Supported transcoding formats

    Kaltura supports a variety of media formats and codecs optimized for transcoding and delivery.
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