Updated Articles

  1. The Kaltura Player - Version 7.78

    Includes: Kaltura Player (V7), Player Plugins, Player Studio Date: October 8, 2023 What's New Thumbnail embed - decrease page load time with thumbnail embed. The embedded video will display the video thumbnail image, and only load the...
  2. Embedding Kaltura Media through the Rich-Text Editor

    The KAF rich-text editor integration can be used to embed media where the rich-text editor is available, such as in announcements, assignments, discussions, forums, etc. Embed Kaltura media through the rich-text editor Click on a menu item in ...
  3. PlayKit JS Bumper

    PlayKit JS Bumper is written in ECMAScript6 , statically analyzed using Typescript , and transpiled in ECMAScript5 using Babel . Getting Started Prerequisites The plugin requires Kaltura Player to be loaded first. Installing First, clone a...
  4. Group page New

    About Welcome to the Group page! Here you'll find members of a group showcased in a clean grid layout, while standout members are featured prominently at the top. With each page accommodating up to 500 group members, it's the ideal platform to...
  5. Introduction to Lecture Capture

    Kaltura Lecture Capture (aka Kaltura Classroom) enables you to create high-quality recordings in every classroom. With Lecture Capture you can manage your schedule and create an automated hands-free experience for your faculty. Kaltura's robust...
  6. The Kaltura Player - Version 7.103

    Includes: Kaltura Player (V7), Player Plugins, Player Studio Date: February 25 , 2024 What's New Floating player - Users can now easily return to the video from the floating player by clicking the "Back to video" button that...
  7. The Kaltura Player - Version 7.101

    Includes: Kaltura Player (V7), Player Plugins, Player Studio Date: February 4 , 2024 What's New Email (mailto:) Hotspots -  create a "mailto:" hotspot that will open a new email and autofill the address based on the ho...
  8. The Kaltura Player - Version 7.100

    Includes: Kaltura Player (V7), Player Plugins, Player Studio Date: January 24 , 2024 What's New Call To Action -  add prompts during video playback to increase viewer interaction. Your CTAs can link to any online location or direc...
  9. Localization - How to Change Your Kaltura Application Language

    Can we customize the language in KAF?
  10. Kaltura Events - February 2024

    Date Released: February  2024 What's New Manage access for "closed" Single Sign on (SSO) events - Kaltura enables hosting of "closed" SSO events, attendees of which are based on existing groups in an Identify pro...
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