Media Gallery page
The Media Gallery page is the landing page for a specific course. Administrators and course instructors can customize the appearance and settings of their Media Gallery. Some of the basic functions are shown below: Let's Meet button is avai...
Access and work in the Media Gallery
Overview The Media Gallery is a repository of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course. Users may contribute new media items to the Media Gallery or add media items (publish) from M...
Kaltura Media Gallery - Add Media Window
This article describes how to work in the Add Media window of the Kaltura Media Gallery.
Manage a Media Gallery
This article describes how to manage a media gallery.
Import Channels Feature Description
Channel/Media Gallery Managers have the ability to import content from other Channels/Media Galleries they manage.
Media Gallery in Brightspace - Theming
The Media Gallery is a central location in each course where users can view rich media assigned to the course.
Media Gallery in Brightspace
The Media Gallery is a library of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course.