Popular Articles

  1. People tab > Speakers - Invite speakers to your event

    The Speakers page allows you to invite and manage your speakers
  2. PlayKit JS Share

    Overview This guide will walk you through the configuration of the Share UI Plugin for the Kaltura Player JS for developers. The Share plugin enables to share of the current content or some other content-related URL to social media. Share plugin ...
  3. Kaltura Events Home page - Engagement analytics - Across events

    This article describes how to view analytics across your events.
  4. Hide The Webcam Tray

    This article describes how to enlarge your view of the shared content (presentations, PDFs, shared screen, etc), optimize your live class view for low bandwidth and low CPU environments. Each participant has the option to hide the webcam tray from t...
  5. Kaltura Video Editing Tools - Advertisements Tab

    Use the Advertisements tab to add ads to your media.
  6. Languages

    Field Description DownloadLocaleText Download a Zip file with all texts for all languages for this instance. These resources can be used to create or update custom languages. UploadCustomLanguage Upload new custom lang...
  7. Lecture Capture - Live Broadcasting

    Overview of Live Broadcasting with Kaltura Lecture Capture With the addition of live capabilities, Kaltura Lecture Capture now includes both the ability to record any classroom and the ability to broadcast lectures live at the same time. This allow...
  8. Create an Ad Hoc Recording

    After the Kaltura Classroom software is installed, see the Kaltura Lecture Capture Administrator’s Guide , you can start recording your media. If authentication has been configured for Kaltura Classroom, see the article on Using Kaltura Classroom...
  9. Working with the Category analytics dashboard

    The Category Analytics dashboard provides you with data on the category's usage in the platform. To learn more see the article on Category Analytics.
  10. Access and work in the Media Gallery

    Overview The Media Gallery is a repository of videos for a particular course that is visible to all instructors and students within the course. Users may contribute new media items to the Media Gallery or add media items (publish) from M...
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