Popular Articles

  1. Create and manage SAML profiles

    About This article describes how to view a full list of Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) profiles, create new SAML profiles, edit, and delete SAML profiles in the Kaltura Management Console (KMC).  SAML profiles facilitate a...
  2. Input Settings

    Input Settings for Recordings There are multiple options and choices for selecting recording inputs. The number of input settings you may be able to use is determined by your system administrator and is limited to four devices.  You may conf...
  3. Kaltura Video Tool for Blackboard Ultra Deployment Guide

    This guide is intended for Kaltura and Blackboard-Ultra administrators. These instructions are for the implementation of Blackboard Ultra with Ultra Course View courses only. If you are implementing Blackboard Ultra Dual Course Mode (Original Co...
  4. VOD Analytics

    Overview The VOD Analytics dashboard enables you to discover how your users engage with a specific VOD entry, where they watched it from and with what devices so you can track and optimize your content. The dashboard can be used to explore engageme...
  5. Custom data

    Custom data helps organize content better by adding specific details through created fields, making it easier to find and manage digital assets.
  6. Set Room Mode: Standard Room vs Large Room (previously virtual classroom vs webinar)

    Room hosts can change the class mode of your Live Room from Standard room (previously Virtual Classroom mode) to Large room mode (previously Webinar mode).  Class modes help provide a live class experience better aligned with the instruc...
  7. Inperson Module New

    About The Inperson module facilitates the setup and customization of the in-person check-in process for hybrid events. It manages both in-person and hybrid registration, providing options to configure relevant fields and ...
  8. Introduction to Annoto

    About Annoto, a B2B enterprise, delivers an integrated solution that encompasses collaboration, assessment, engagement, and analytics, all designed to meet the diverse needs of organizations. From Learning & Development to Live Events, Ann...
  9. Log in with two-factor authentication

    This article is for customers who have accounts enabled with 2-Factor Authentication (2FA).
  10. Federated Search Indexing - Search Index Developer – How to Process Feeds

    The admin of your company’s/institution’s central video portal/LMS will be providing you with all necessary information on how to code a sync process for incorporating video portal content into your federated search index. The admin ...
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