New Articles

  1. Backup and Restore KMS Data

    With backups, you can create a secure 'snapshot' of the current site configuration (all modules) as a 'Last Known Good Configuration' to protect against any mistakes or data corruption. This snapshot can later be used in case yo...
  2. MediaSpace and KAF Applications Administration Console

    Only a KMC user can access the Kaltura Admin Console. For additional information, please visit Administration Pages . This reference section for the Kaltura MediaSpace Administration Area contains the following tabs: Manage Configuration - The...
  3. User Management

    The Users tab is used to add or modify user information.  Only users who are authenticated and authorized by your system's administrators can access MediaSpace. Users who are not authenticated by your systems are denied access to MediaSpa...
  4. Kaltura Events Interactive Session Live Room Training Webinar Agenda

    OVERVIEW This session is intended for admin users ,   event organizers,  and moderators  to introduce them to Kaltura  interactive session live room , covering step-by-step how to  host the session .  ...
  5. Virtual Classroom - Overview & Exercises

    Let's Practice Launch Kaltura Meeting  Login to your Mediaspace  or LMS  site   Enter a Channel/Media Gallery and select the Media Tab. Click  "Launch Live Room" to launch the virtua...
  6. How can I change my profile picture?

    Log into your account. Click the profile image or the drop-down next to it. Select Profile . The profile image window opens. Click on the image. Browse your device and select the new image you want to add. Cli...
  7. Channeltheme

    Supported in KMS Video Portal only. About This module is configured to allow channel managers to: Set a theme for their channel. Enable a carousel and set the carousel interval for the channel   Select which players to use for di...
  8. Channelsubscription module

    You can enable the channelsubscription module so users can subscribe to channels and get email notifications for new content and updates.
  9. Channelcategories

    When you create a channel, you can associate it to a gallery  (aka a category). When users navigate to a gallery page, they will be able to browse the media and also the channels associated with that gallery. This module must be enabled t...
  10. Categorytheme

    This module may be used to enable a category manager to choose what is the first tab to load into categories. Field Description enabled Enable the Categorytheme Module. playerSet Create sets of players. Gallery managers wil...
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