Kaltura Recording Calendar Management (Webcasting)

Overview of Kaltura Recording Scheduling

The Kaltura Calendar enables leveraging Kaltura's media management capabilities to schedule recordings using partner capture devices. The scheduled recordings are later available in the Kaltura environment, either in MediaSpace or in the LMS environment. Aside from teaching staff and students who look to consume content, administrative staff who manage automated recording schedules for institutions can now schedule time for capturing lectures. Each institution has developed its own system and process to schedule recordings, given the current deployed solutions and school culture.  Kaltura scheduling offers a flexible configuration that can be customized per the institution's or organization's current and future needs.  

Contact a Kaltura representative to learn more about Kaltura's open platform approach and partners collaborating with Kaltura on scheduling and other features. 

Sample Workflow for Administrative Staff

After the Recscheduling module has been enabled and configured with the relevant devices, see the Kaltura Scheduling Administrator's Guide, administrative staff may begin to create events and modify scheduled events.

  1. In MediaSpace, select My Calendar from the user drop down menu. In KAF, select My Calendar from the My Media page.
    The Calendar Page is displayed.  See Viewing the Recording Schedule.
  2. Use the Calendar Page to create, edit or delete an event. See Viewing the Recording Schedule.
  3. Set additional metadata for the recording, such as publishing categories for the recorded entry, see Publishing Categories, and additional collaborators (e.g. professor, teaching assistant) see Adding Collaborators.

After the event has been saved, the capture device will automatically sync with the latest recording schedule. When the time for the event arrives, the recording device will begin recording. When the recording ends, the device will upload the recorded lecture to the Kaltura environment. There is no user intervention needed for this step.

Getting Started

Capture Devices

  • Ensure your capture devices support Scheduling via Kaltura (NOTE: CaptureSpace is not supported.)
  • Configure your capture device for Scheduling and publishing to Kaltura based on the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Some capture devices will automatically configure resources in the Kaltura environment. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for details about your capture device. 


  • Decide whether to use KMS or KAF for scheduling purposes.
    If administrators are scheduling the events, use the KMS Management Console to set up the Scheduling configuration.
    If you are interested in having administrative staff scheduling events, for example, professors setting up events, use the KAF integrations.
  • Enable and set up the Scheduling module. See Kaltura Scheduling Administrator's Guide.
  • Manage the resources/devices. See Managing Resources. Check that capture devices appear as resources in Kaltura using export or add Resources based on instructions. See the  Kaltura Scheduling Administrator's Guide.
  • Setup up permissions for administrative staff that will be able to schedule events. See Set up Permissions.
  • Publish additional categories. See Publishing Categories.

We recommend that you first test configuration with a single test device and then expand to additional devices. 

Scheduling Events

After permissions are in place and all the setup for Scheduling both on the device and Kaltura environment is complete, users can start scheduling events for recording. All events are added or modified through the calendar view. See Scheduling Events - Viewing the Recording Schedule for information on how to:

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