Channel moderation - Theming


Kaltura's content moderation feature allows channel managers and moderators to approve or reject media before it becomes publicly accessible, ensuring that all content aligns with community standards. This functionality is consistent with Kaltura's Theming design system, providing a seamless experience for moderators.

The instructions below are for Theming users. If you don't have Theming enabled, please refer to our article Channel moderation.

To learn more about channel permissions, check out our article Understanding channel roles and permissions.

Before you start

Enable the channelThemingUI module and the channelModeration module

Access the channel page

  1. Go to the desired channel page in My Channels. You can do this by selecting My Channels from the user menu.
  2. The My Channels page displays.

  3. Click the desired channel.
  4. The channel page displays

Moderate pending content

If there is pending media, a notification displays under the banner: [x] items pending approval. View list.

Click the link to navigate to Content Moderation page.

The Content Moderation page displays.

The Content Moderation page shows all media pending moderation, organized in a card format for easy review.

You can filter the media to refine and sort the list of content without cluttering the page. Clicking the Filters button will open a filter menu displaying all relevant filters.

Filters are configured by your administrator in the Search module

In the status line, you can click on the Published icon to see where the media is published.


Click the Explore link to open a sidebar to view the content directly. When reviewing videos in the Explore tab, the video player will load automatically, providing an inline experience for moderation. You can approve or reject the content while remaining on the same page.

The sidebar displays the following information:

  • Media thumbnail
  • Video preview, mute / unmute, and play / pause functions (for VOD entries)
  • Approve / Reject buttons
  • Media name
  • Name of publisher
  • Creation date
  • Media type
  • Number of plays (or 'views' for images)
  • Media description
  • Tags - clicking a tag will navigate the user to the relevant category / channel
  • Scheduled sessions - schedule is shown


Enter a search term in the search field and press Enter. Your results will appear, allowing you to approve or reject as needed.

If no results are found, a message will display indicating no matches:

Approve or reject media

  • Click Approve (green) to publish the media. Approved content will be added to the channel immediately. 
  • If enabled by the admin, a confirmation box will appear after clicking approve or reject, asking for final confirmation before the action is taken: Are you sure you want to reject/approve [media title]?
  • Click Reject (red) to prevent the media from being added to the channel.

After approving or rejecting media, a confirmation message displays: Media was [approved/rejected].

Bulk approve or reject media

You can perform bulk actions to approve or reject them simultaneously. Simply select the media items by clicking the checkboxes on the thumbnails and then click Approve or Reject at the top of the page.

A confirmation message displays: Are you sure you want to approve [number] media?

Click Approve.

After bulk moderation, a success message confirms: [number] media approved & [number] media rejected. Approved and rejected content will be removed from the moderation page. If multiple pages are present, content cards will reload automatically.

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