Custom/Core Modules


About The Kwebcast module is used to activate and set up Kaltura Webcasting aka Town Hall. Currently, the Kwebcast module uses live entries, therefore if the Kwebcast module is enabled, the liveentry module must be disabled. This guide ...
The Kwebcast Module must be enabled in order to activate this module. For more information, see the Webcasting Outlook Integration article. Field Description enabled Enable, the Outlookintegration Module. ...
This module is used to set a notice for anonymous users to know that cookies are collected . For more information see Privacy Banner for Anonymous Users - KMS Admins Field Description  enable Enable the Privacybanner module. ...
The Kaltura Raptmedia module is used to enable Kaltura Interactive Video Paths. For more information about the Raptmedia module see the Kaltura Interactive Video Paths Administrator's Guide . Field Description enable Enable th...
The Kaltura Scheduling feature enables leveraging Kaltura's media management capabilities to schedule recordings using partner capture devices. For more information about  the Recscheduling module see the Kaltura Scheduling Administrator&#...
The Registration Module is used to allows users to create registration form for viewing live events and VOD recordings before the player is displayed.  Use the Registration Module to: Set a registration form for media of type: Webcast/Live (...
The xapi module sends xAPI events to LRS that support xAPI.  For a high-level overview of xAPI and a list of xAPI events that are delivered from Kaltura to the LRS, see xAPI Analytics Guide .  Select or enter values for the relevant fie...
Inperson Module New
About The Inperson module facilitates the setup and customization of the in-person check-in process for hybrid events. It manages both in-person and hybrid registration, providing options to configure relevant fields and ...
About This module is used to provide the ability to create, publish, and search for Kaltura Meetings Rooms in the site. This module depends on the Newrow module.   Configure enable - set to Yes to enable the module. allowedUsersOr...
The Connectkms2kaf module allows you to connect your KMS and KAF together. To get started, make sure that the relevant KAF module is available on your KAF instance.  Prerequisite: Both the KMS and KAF must point to the same root category for p...
The Scheduledmedia  module (also known as a scheduled VOD) is dependent on the kwebcast module. This module is a custom module and isn't available by default for every KMS. To enable this module, please contact your Kaltura customer s...
Field Description enabled Enable the Interactivevideopath module. disableCreate disableEdit allowedRole allowedUsers Select users who are allowed to create Interactive Videos. playerId Fill in the Player ID t...
Hostnames Module
About This module allows you to setup a vanity URL or 'alias' for a particular Video Portal or KAF instance. You also can view your current site hostnames, add new hostnames and set a main alias. Prerequisite To setup a new...
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