Chatandcollaboration module - Video Portal


The Chat and Collaboration module adds engagement tools, such as chat, collaboration, and other interactive features, through a sidebar on the right-hand side of your application.

Supported entries:

  • Room
  • Kwebcast


Please contact your Kaltura representative to enable the necessary options.


1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Chatandcollaboration module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/chatandcollaboration.

The Chatandcollaboration page displays.

Ensure the module description clearly states at the beginning that it is a Video Portal module.

2. Configure the following:

Enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.

CustomTranslation (optional) - You have the option to upload a list of all custom translations for the C&C (Chat and collaboration). The file format is JSON, divided to different languages by their short name (for example, “en” for English, “fe” for French). For each language, include the key value with its custom translation.

This action overrides all the existing translations.

  • Click Upload Custom Translation to upload a JSON file from your computer.
  • Click Remove to remove the file. 

DefaultUserSettings - Configure the default user settings for chat features. These settings determine the initial preferences for end users.

  • Show Full Name - Set the default option for end users to show or hide their last name. Select 'Yes' to display the last name by default, or 'No' to hide it.

DefaultEntryModeration - Select 'On' to enable Q&A threads on entry pages, 'Off' to disable them, or 'According to schedule' to enable Q&A based on the media schedule.

EntryGroupChat - The field enables the group chat for all entries on the instance. You can decide either to disable the group chat or enable it with one of two possible views, the comments thread, and the group chat view. Select from the following options:

  • Disabled
  • Comments
  • Group Chat
  • According to schedule

ToastTimeout - The value in milliseconds that the toasts will be shown on screen before they are automatically removed. The default is 20000 milliseconds (20 seconds) but you can change it.

ExcludePath - This field enables you to exclude the C&C from specific paths on your KMS. You can exclude specific path, entries, media and channels.

Click +Add "ExcludePath" to add additonal urls.

An additional field displays.

  • To exclude a specific page or pages insert the full url or part of it (with or without the domain name). To exclude specific entry or category insert its Id.
OpenByDefault - Set to 'Yes' to launch the C&C in an 'open' state by default to all users. The tool will be opened on the first element in the list automatically. Users will still be able to close the tool manually.

liveStageSvgIcon - Click Upload icon file to upload a custom SVG icon file to replace the "Live chat" icon. Click Remove to remove the file.

3. Click Save.

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