ChatandcollaborationAdmin module


This module is used to setup announcements and to configure the admin integration for Events in the Chat and Collaboration (C&C) widget. 


enable - set to Yes to enable the module.



  • Admin Logo ID 

    • Description - the logo that will be shown in the C&C organizer notifications

    • Value - upload the logo of that you want shown 400x400 to the Shadow KMS and paste the entry ID

    • Type - Entry ID

  • Organizer Name

    • Description - the organizer that you want shown when sending notifications organizer notifications, t

    • Value - organizer name

    • Type - String

    • Max Chars - 20

  • audienceGroups

    • Description - define the target groups for notifications. All the values here will appear in the notifications form to send direct notifications to.

    • Value - Insert comma-separated values of the KMS groups IDs

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