Chatandcollaboration module


This module is used to render the Chat and Collaboration (C&C) widget. Use this module to configure the widget on the entry-level. This module must be enabled both on Events and KMS.


  • Enabled - enable the module

  • ServiceUrl - The service URL for Chat & Collaboration apps (chat and moderator app).
    For events  use

  • legalPrompts - The legal text that will be shown in the case  you decide to enable the legal prompt functionality in C&C Admin

    • language - The legal text can be localized per the KMS language and multiple legal texts can be uploaded.
      (not mandatory for the module changes to be saved but mandatory for the widget to load on site)

    • legalPrompts - Upload legal text or Remove the legal text.

  • CustomTranslation 

    • Upload Custom Translation or Remove custom Translation - Upload a list of all custom translations for the C&C. The file format is JSON, divided to different languages by their short name (e.g., “en” for English, “fe” for French, etc.). For each language, include the key value with its custom transaltion.This action overrides all the existing translations.

  • DefaultUserSettings - The default values for each user setting (Notifications, Enable Chat & Show Full Name)

  • UICONF ID - this is the player ID

  • Default Channel Description

    • Description - If a custom description is NOT configured, the value here will be shown as the channel description. Try to keep this as generic as possible as this will be set to all the channels without a channel configuration.

    • Max chars - 150

  • Default Entry Description

    • Description - If no custom description is configured, the value here will be shown as the entry description. Try to keep this as generic as possible as this will be set to all the live entries without a channel configuration

    • Type - Text

    • Max chars - 150

  • Default Channel Moderation

    • Description - enable the moderation for the channel for users that open the Chat & Collaboration when they are browsing within the channel pages. This value can be overwritten on per channel.

  • Default Entry Moderation

    • Description - enable the moderation for all entries for users that open the Chat & Collaboration when they are browsing within the entry pages. This value can be overwritten on per channel

  • usersSearch 

    • Description - The field enables users to have a search input in the chat widget and search for other users in the instance to connect and chat with each other.  Select on or off.

  • usersChat 

    • Description - The field enables the users 1:1 chat on the instance. With the 1:1 chat, users will be able to chat with each other. Select on or off.

  • ChannelGroupChat  

    • Description - The field enables the group chat for all channels on the instance. You can decide either to disable the group chat or enable it with one of two possible views, the comments thread, and the group chat view. Select Disabled, Comments or Group Chat.

  • EntryGroupChat

    • Description - The field enables the group chat for all entries on the instance. You can decide either to disable the group chat or enable it with one of two possible views, the comments thread, and the group chat view. Select Disabled, Comments or Group Chat.

  • toastPlayerUiconf

    • Description - This is a legacy configuration that doesn’t impact the product, This value should be the same as the main UICONF.

  • ToastTimeout

    • Description - the value in milliseconds that the toasts will be shown on screen before they are automatically removed. Also affects polls' toasts.

    • Type - Int (Milliseconds)

  • ExcludePath

    • Description - the C&C will show on all pages in the configured Event except for the URLs configured in the Exclude Path

    • Type - Array of URLs, asterisk supported, e.g.*

  • ModeratorAppUrl

  • ReactionsUICONFID

    • Description - UiConfId for the reactions widget library

    • Type - UICONF

      • Value - 49365062 (uiconfID that was deployed with the widget uiconf in use (same version number)

  • Reactions Service Url Endpoint

  • enableWithNoCookieConsent

    • Should be set on yes/no based on the customers' cookie policy and usage in the event.

    • If a user opts out of functional cookies, the C&C widget will be disabled. The user will not be able to enable it unless they re-enable the functional cookies. An informative message will appear in the widget and explain why they cannot participate in the C&C.

  • Assistant

    • Enable the CNC’s assistant feature, providing moderators with insights and suggestions during the session.

  • OpenByDefault

    • Set to “yes” to launch the C&C in an 'open' state by default to all users. The tool will be opened on the first element in the list automatically. Users will still be able to close the tool manually.

  • liveStageSvgIcon 

    • Upload a custom SVG icon file to replace the "Live chat" icon.

  • allowMultipleContextThreads

    • This field enables configuring the chat with the moderator (Q&A tab) thread. Admin can choose between maintaining a single conversational thread or multiple conversation threads per user. Multi-thread moderation is the default option in the configuration. 

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