Updated Articles

  1. Upload media

    Uploading media from your desktop to your video portal is quick and easy.
  2.  Upload media - Theming

    Uploading media from your desktop to your video portal is quick and easy.
  3. How to Read the Media Search Results in Brightspace

    This article explains how media results are displayed when using the search in each page.
  4. Chat and Collaborate widget

    This article provides an overview of the Chat & Collaborate widget for both the Attendee and Moderator.
  5. Share content in a meeting room New

    About Quickly and easily present media with the share content feature, your go-to for spontaneous presentations or when a file is missing from the storyboard. Plus, access additional functions like displaying the whiteboard and sharing ...
  6. Upload and manage captions in KMC

    You can upload multiple subtitle and caption files and transcripts, or link to an external captions file in KMC.
  7.  Install Capture for Windows

    This guide walks you through the steps to download and install Kaltura Capture on Windows operating system.
  8.  Install Capture for Mac

    This guide walks you through the steps to download and install Kaltura Capture on Mac operating system.
  9.  Create a recording with Capture

    Kaltura Capture is a desktop recording tool that can record your screen, camera, and audio, or just the input settings you choose.
  10. Theming module

    The Theming module lets you customize the appearance of your Video Portal with a unique set of pages and features.
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