Kaltura Capture Log Level and Troubleshooting

This article describes  how to increase log verbosity level.

To increase the debug level and collect the logs for Kaltura Capture
  1. Close the app (right click start menu icon and "Quit").
  2. Go to the logs folder (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Kaltura\Capture\Logs) and delete all log files.
  3. Go to the Settings folder (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Kaltura\Capture\Settings).
  4. Open the localSetting.json file in a text editor.
  5. Under 'captureEngine':
    1. set "logLevel" from "info" to "debug".
    2. set "logFileMaxSize" from "10485760" to "1048576000".
    3. set "logMaxFileCount" from "10" to "1000".
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Reproduce the behavior.
  8. Capture logs, collected after reproducing the issue by going to the settings page in the application and clicking on “upload logs”. Once you do this, please share the token here.
  9. Go back to the localSetting.json file and change back the configuration to "info", "10", and "10485760".
  10. Save and close the file.
"captureEngine": {
"logLevel": "debug",
"logTruncate": false,
"logFileMaxSize": 1048576000,
"logMaxFileCount": 1000,

If Kaltura Capture fails to startup you can also redirect the startup initialization log to a file from Windows command:

kalturacapture.exe > stdout.txt

Full Procedure

  1. Try to run the application form the command, to do so:
  2. Open a cmd window run the following line:
    cd C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Kaltura\Capture\Bin
  3. In the cmd run the following line: kalturacapture.exe > stdout.txt

This should open the application from the cmd window.

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