Transcoding - User Guide


Administrators can enable a list of media flavors to be shown in the Edit Media and Media pages and give users the ability to delete, reconvert, and download those flavors themselves.

The following sections outline user capabilities. 

This module is for both Theming and non-Theming users.

For technical support, contact Kaltura Customer Care. For all other inquiries, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


If your admin has enabled and configured the Transcoding module, Transcoding functionality is displayed on the Media Entry page as follows: 

For Theming users, as part of the Actions menu.

For non-Theming users, as an additional tab - Transcoding. 

Transcoding functionality is displayed on the Edit Media page for both Theming and non-Theming users as an additional tab - Transcoding

Log into your video portal and navigate to either a Media Entry page or an Edit Media page. If you need help logging in and accessing media, please follow the instructions in Log into your video portal and My Media.

Media Entry page - Theming users: 

From the Actions menu, choose Transcoding.

The Transcoding window displays. 

Click the Download button in the column of the desired flavor. You receive confirmation that your download has successfully completed.

Media Entry page - Non-Theming users: 

Click the Transcoding tab. The Transcoding window displays.

In the Download column of the desired flavor, click on the Flavor Actions pull down menu and choose Download. 

You receive confirmation that your download has successfully completed.

Edit Media pageTheming and Non-Theming users: 

Click the Transcoding tab. The Transcoding window displays. 

In the Download column of the desired flavor, click on the Flavor Actions pull down menu and choose the appropriate action - Download, Reconvert, or Delete. 

Not all actions will be available for every flavor. 

Download - If you choose Download, your chosen flavor begins to download. You receive confirmation that your flavor was successfully downloaded. 

Reconvert - If you choose Reconvert, you are asked to confirm your action. Click OK to confirm. You receive confirmation that your flavor was successfully reconverted. 

Delete - If you choose Delete, you are asked to confirm your action. Click OK to confirm. You receive confirmation that your flavor was successfully deleted.  

This document is maintained by Kaltura’s Professional Services team. Please send comments or corrections to your Customer Success Manager. Ask them to forward it to the Professional Services team. We are committed to improving our documentation and your feedback is appreciated.

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