Popular Articles

  1. Moderated Q&A Settings

    Moderated Q&A Setting Options To enable or disable Q&A for the event Click on the Q&A Navigation menu and select  Settings . Check  Enable Q&A for this event  or clear the box to disable Q&A for the event. Displaying Announcements Only Yo...
  2. Overview of Functional Components

    The platform's logical layers, described in the previous section, are implemented using several different functional components that are listed in this section. Some of the components must be deployed as part of the core platform (i.e. the service...
  3. Create and Edit Your Course Quizzes

    This article describes how to create course quizzes for on-demand and live assessment. Quizzes are a great tool for measuring learner success and self assessment. With Kaltura Live Room Quizzes you are able to keep tabs on learner progress and me...
  4. Manage All Files Within Your Virtual Classroom

    Virtual Classroom files enable you to access and manage all files uploaded in your courses without having to enter each course individually. Access and Navigate Virtual Classroom Files Virtual Classroom Files are accessible to Admins and Ins...
  5. How to view an entry with captions in a player?

    Refer to the article   Setting Up Captions for Display   for detailed information on how to view an entry with captions. ...
  6. How to remove the logo in the Kaltura player using additional params and plugins

    Add the following line: {syntaxhighlighter brush: java;fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; }kalturaLogo. visible=false&kalturaLogo.includeInLayout=false{/syntaxhighlighter}    
  7. How to customize the Kaltura logo on the player using UIVars?

    The following guide explores how KMC administrators can remove or change the Kaltura logo from the player control bar using UIVars. To learn about the custom logo plugin, please refer to The Universal Studio Information Guide . Setting UIVars Rem...
  8. Share & Embed Option in KAF Based Applications

    For the End-User The ability to grab embed codes is available on the View Media page in all KAF based applications. The Embed option is available under the 'Share' tab. When enabled, those that have access to view the media are also able to grab th...
  9. Lecture Capture - Enabling the Monitoring Module in Kaltura MediaSpace

    This guide is intended for KMS and KAF administrators. The v2UI Module must be enabled in the KMS or KAF Management Console for the Monitoring Dashboard to display correctly in KMS and KAF. Enabling the Monitoring Dashboard in Kaltura MediaSpa...
  10. Webcasting Events Portal

    Accessing the Webcasting Events Portal  The Webcasting Events Portal may be accessed from your KMS instance.  https://{your_KMS_URL}/webcasts  The Webcasting Events Portal consolidates all Kaltura Webcasting activity into one place and all...
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