Media likes, plays, and comments


On the Media Entry page, the user may like or unlike the media, see how many likes and/or comments have been left by viewers, and see how many playbacks the media has had. This functionality is available just to the right of the media title. 

The following instructions have the theming module enabled.

Likes: Likes are specific to this location only. This is the only place where users can click the "like" button. 

Plays: Plays denote playback of the video itself in the context of KMS. 

The KMC displays playback on embeds outside of KMS as well. 

Comments: If enabled in the Comments module, users will see the comments below the video on the Media Entry Page.


  • 'Plays' instead of 'Views' 
    The number of views presented on the player and on the entry page has been changed to the number of plays.
    This is controlled via enableviews in KMS admin > Application module.
    'enableViews'- when enabled, a number of views per entry is displayed.

  • Are Webcast live entries include play count in KMS/KAF analytics?
    No, the play count will not display in live entry types. Play count in available in VOD entries only.
    Examples of the play count (VOD entry) and without the play count (Live entry):

  • What 'plays" are included in the KMC analytics?
    Playing an entry in the Preview & Embed window counts as a play for analytics data, however, the amount of time the entry was played using the Preview & Embed window is not included in the analytics data.

    The Preview & Embed window serves a purpose as its name indicates, to preview the player you choose and to generate the embed code.
    The playing time in this window is not counted since the option is used to preview' the entry and the player in it.

    As for the play count reports, the name of the user that played the entry on the KMC is registered additionally to the 'unknown' users who played the entry on external referrers to isolate the content uploaders, moderators and administrators on the KMC from other users.
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