Create and Add Media to a Playlist

This article describes how to create a playlist and add media to a playlist in KMS and KAF. 

If you cannot create or add media to a playlist, ask your KMS or KAF administrator to give you the required permission.

Kaltura Video Quizzes can be added to a playlist with the V7 player.  To replace your player from v2 to v7, see KMS and KAF player V7 replacement tool.

From the My Playlists Page in KMS

To create a playlist 

  1. Access the My Playlists page.
  2. Click Create Playlist. The Create Playlist window displays.
  3. Type a Title (required), Description, and Tags for the playlist.
  4. Click Create. The Add Items To Your Playlist window displays.
  5. Go to step 2 below.

To add media to an existing playlist

You may not add media to the "Watch Later" playlist from the Edit Playlist Details page. Users may add media to the "Watch Later" playlist from a media's entry page or from the My Media page in KMS (see steps in subsequent sections). 

  1. Access the Edit Playlist Details page. 
  2. In the Add Items to Your Playlist section, you may change the library. Select My Media or All Shared Content (equivalent to a global search in MediaSpace). Note that All Shared Content is not available in KAF.
  3. Type search criteria in the Search field and click Enter.
  4. Click on the + button(s) next to the items you want to add to your playlist. Items selected display a check mark.
    If you change your mind and do not want that item added, simply click the check mark to remove the item.
  5. Depending on your application, 
    • click Go To Playlist or Go to Channel if the playlist is newly created in KMS.
    • click Save if the playlist is newly created in KAF.
    • click Save if you added media to an existing playlist in KMS or KAF.

From a Media's Entry Page in KMS

  1. Browse to a media's entry page that you want to add to a playlist.
  2. Select Add to playlist from the Actions menu.
    The Add to Playlist window displays. 
  3. Click to choose a playlist from the list.
  4. After you have made your selection, click Add. A message displays that this media was added to the playlist.

From My Media in KMS

To create a playlist

  1. On the My Media page, check the box(es) to the left of at least one media you would like to add to the playlist.
  2. Select Add to playlist from the Actions menu.
  3. Click + Create New Playlist, then type a name for the new playlist in the New Playlist Title field.
  4. Click Create. The newly created playlist is shown in the list. Make sure the newly created playlist is checked.
  5. Click Add. A message displays that this playlist was created successfully and the user is given a link to edit the playlist.

To add media to an existing playlist

To add one entry at a time (option 1):

  1. On your My Media page, click the thumbnail or title of the media you want to add to a playlist. The media entry page displays. 
  2. Select Add to playlist from the Actions menu.

To add one entry at a time (option 2):

  1. On your My Media page, select a media item by checking the box next to the media item.
  2. Select Add to playlist from the Actions menu.

To add multiple entries at the same time:

  1. On your My Media page, select multiple media items by checking the boxes next to each. 
  2. Select Add to playlist from the Actions menu.

The Add to Playlist window displays. 

  1. Click to choose a playlist from the list.
  2. After you have made your selection, click Add. A message displays that this media was added to the playlist.

From My Channels in KMS or Media Gallery in KAF

See Channel/Media Gallery Playlist Feature Description.

To create a playlist

Option 1: 

  1. Access a channel/Media Gallery.
  2. Select + Create channel playlist from the hamburger menu.

    The Create Playlist window displays.
  3. Go to step 3 here.

Option 2:

  1. Access a channel/Media Gallery.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions menu. The Edit <Channel Name/Media Gallery Name> Page is displayed.
  3. Click on the Playlist tab to display the channel/Media Gallery's existing playlists.
  4. Click Create Channel Playlist. The Create Playlist window displays.
  5. Go to step 3 here.

To add media to an existing playlist

Option 1:

  1. Access the Edit Playlist Details page. 
  2. Go to step 2 here.

Option 2: 

  1. Access My Channels/Media Gallery
  2. Click on a channel thumbnail to open a <channel/Media Gallery_name> page.
  3. Click on the Media tab. 
  4. Click the three dots on the lower right side of a media item and click on the Add to channel/Media Gallery playlist button. The Add to Playlist window displays. 
  5. Click to choose a playlist from the list.
  6. After you have made your selection, click Add. A message displays that this media was added to the playlist.

See additional information on playlists as follows:

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