People tab > Moderators - Invite Moderators

This article describes how to invite moderators to your webinar.

Invite moderators to your webinar

  1. Navigate to the Moderators page; from the site page, click the People tab > Moderators.
    The Moderators page displays.
  2. Click the blue Invite moderator button in the upper right corner of the screen. The Invite screen displays.
  3. Type the moderator's email address (required), first and last names (required). 
  4. Choose whether (in addition to having a Moderator role) they will have the additional role of Speaker.
  5. Add a profile image if desired (we recommend 500x500 px), title, company, and bio.
  6. Once finished, click Invite to send an invitation email, or click the down arrow to the right of the Invite button and choose Invite without an email to add this person to the webinar without sending them an invitation email. 

    Once you are ready to send them the invite, you can click the three blue dots to the right of Status and select the 'resend email' option on the Moderators page.

    A notification asking you to confirm your action is displayed. Once the role is assigned, you cannot revert this action.
  7. Click Invite to confirm or click Cancel to cancel the action.
    If you clicked Invite, a notification that the invite was successfully sent is displayed and the invitation you created will be sent to participants to complete the registration. If you clicked the down arrow to the right of the Invite button and chose Invite without an email, a notification that the invite was successfully sent is displayed and the person is added to the Moderators list as "Registered".

View a full list of moderators and monitor their progress through the registration process

Once you have sent your invitations, you can use the Moderators page to view the full list of moderators for your upcoming webinar (including name, bio, and status) and monitor their progress through the registration process.

You can use the search option to locate specific moderators easily. 

You can click the three blue dots to the right of Status to access additional options per registration status.

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