Events tab


The Events page displays all the webinars in the Kaltura Events account - both current and past webinars. 

The Events page is available to Event Managers and account owners/admin.

Quickly access recently viewed webinars

The Events page provides quick access to webinars you've recently viewed. Clicking on any of these recently viewed webinars opens them for editing. See Webinar Details tab - Edit the site details for more information on editing webinar details.  

Easily navigate to the Events showcase page

Webinar organizers who have been planning and managing a variety of webinars may wish to "showcase" upcoming and past webinars to prospects and allow those prospects to register for upcoming webinars and/or watch past webinars on demand. Kaltura generates a "Showcase page" that webinar organizers can customize, share directly with prospects, and/or embed on the webinar organizer's own website. Access the Events showcase page directly from the Events page by clicking on the Events showcase button. 

See the Showcase page for detailed information on this feature.

Events showcase capabilities are available only to account owners/admin.

Search the webinars list

You may search for webinars using the search bar at the top of the list of webinars.

View pertinent webinar information

The Events page displays all the webinars in the Kaltura Events account - both current and past webinars - and pertinent information. Information displayed includes:

  • Scheduled dates of webinar 
  • Webinar status
  • Webinar name
  • Name of person who created the webinar
  • Duration of webinar
  • Whether or not this webinar is part of the Showcase page
  • Registration information (including whether registration is opened or closed, and number of registrants)

Access editing capabilities and the webinar site

Edit a webinar, copy a webinar, enter a webinar site, publish a webinar to the showcase page (if you are an account owner/admin), and delete a webinar by clicking on the three blue dots to the right of the Registration column and choosing the appropriate option. 


Click on the three blue dots to the right of the Registration column and choose Edit

See Webinar Details tab - Edit the site details for more information on editing webinar details.

Copy event

You may choose to copy an existing webinar and save the time of configuring and setting up a new webinar from scratch. 

Copying a webinar copies over the following data: 

  • Branding - Webinar banner image, logo image, and custom theme
  • Emails - Both system emails and custom email templates 
  • Registration form
  • Notifications and crowd reactions 
  • Chat Settings
  • Webinar settings - Support email address and organizer name and image
  • Users - Speakers, Moderators, and Event team (if selected). 
    Note that if users are copied, you may choose to send an email invitation to them upon creation of webinar. 

All copied notifications are moved to draft status. Click the drop-down menu > Schedule post next to each notification to reschedule.

General attendees and media are not copied when copying a webinar. 

  1. Click on the three blue dots to the right of the Registration column and choose Copy event.
     The Copy event page displays.
  2. Edit the following:
    • Title - A title for your event (char limit is 120). Please note: Characters "<" and ">" are not supported.
    • Short description - A description for your event. 
  3. Enter the following:
    • Start time - The day and time your event will start.
    • End time - The day and time your event will end.
    • Time zone - The time zone for your event.
  4. Choose whether to copy over Speakers, Moderators, and the Event team. Click the appropriate check box(es) as desired. The groups you select, including user details (title, picture, bio, etc.), will be copied over to the new event. 
    If you select at least one group of users, an additional option displays, Email invitation.
    Choose whether to send an email invitation to the selected user groups upon creation of event.
  5. Click Copy eventThe copying process begins. This may take a few minutes.
    Once copied, the Event page of the copied webinar displays with the Overview tab open by default.

The webinar site and registration are not yet published at this point.

Visit site

Click on the three blue dots to the right of the Registration column and choose Visit site.

You are redirected to the webinar site. See Getting to know your landing page and webinar site for more information. 

Add to showcase/Change showcase settings

Click on the three blue dots to the right of the Registration column and choose Publish to showcase or, if the event has already been added to the showcase, Change showcase settings

See Showcase page for detailed information on this feature.

Events showcase capabilities are available only to account owners/admin.


  1. Click on the three blue dots to the right of the Registration column and choose Delete.
     You are asked to confirm your action. Once deleted, the registration will be unpublished.
  2. Click Cancel to exit or Delete to confirm. 

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