Lecture Capture - Scheduling Initial Setup
Recording Scheduler Initial Setup Resources - Setup the resources/devices to use. Permissions - Setup the roles that are allowed to schedule a recording at the school/institution. Publishing Categories - Setup when categories need to be c...
Lecture Capture - Scheduling a Recording
Schedule Management Adding events Adding recurring events Deleting events Editing events ...
Viewing the Schedule for Your Classroom
To view the schedule for your classroom Select the Scheduling Tab. The Scheduling page shows the agenda with a table under each day, detailing the event time title and the status if completed. The agenda is sorted by date/time always. If the eve...
Scheduled Recordings - Conflict Management
There are two types of recordings: ad hoc (manual) and scheduled. The Kaltura Classroom Application does not allow for scheduling conflicting recording events. An error message is displayed when and if you try to so. Ad Hoc (Manual) Recording Y ou...
Turning Scheduling On/Off
The Kaltura Classroom Application setting for turning the Scheduling feature on or off is in the config.json file. The default for the Scheduling parameter is True (on). See the Kaltura Specific Parameters for the config.json File for the exact l...
Lecture Capture - Live Broadcasting
Overview of Live Broadcasting with Kaltura Lecture Capture With the addition of live capabilities, Kaltura Lecture Capture now includes both the ability to record any classroom and the ability to broadcast lectures live at the same time. This allow...