Recording Billing Management

Each Kaltura plan includes 2 hrs of Kaltura Cloud Recording. Additional recording hours are available.

Recording Plans

Recording plans - Additional recording hours can be purchased separately in the Extras section of the shopping cart.

  • rec_10 - 10hrs of recording a month
  • rec_30 - 20hrs of recording a month
  • rec_50 - 50hrs of recording a month

Managing Your Recording Hours

  • You and any instructors you add to your organization are able to initiate recording.
  • Recording hours can be used in any course.
  • As the customize-your-Virtual Classroom-with-your-branding-owner, you will see a percentage in the upper bar of your account indicating the percentage of recording hours used in the current billing period.
  • In Billing Overview, you can see a more detailed breakdown of how many hours of recording you have used in the current billing period.
  1. Click your avatar to display the account menu
  2. Select Billing 


  • You will not be prevented from recording more than your plan provides.
  • In the event that you have used all of your recording hours, then you can continue to record your live sessions.
  • You will be billed for overages at the recording hourly rate of your current plan on the next billing period.
  1. Any plan - 2hrs per plan per month with an overage rate of $3/hour
  2. rec_10 - 10 hours per month with an overage rate of $2.40/hour
  3. rec_30 - 30 hours per month with an overage rate of $2.13/hour
  4. rec_50 - 50 hours per month with an overage rate of $2.00/hour
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