Preparing for a Webcasting Event

Preparation is a key factor in ensuring the success of a live broadcast event. There are many details you can define and collect even before you begin to make sure that you are prepared. The following list describes the preparation tasks that you can do. All of the following points are suggestions only and should be taken as such.

Collect Event Details

  • Get the exact date and time for the event.
  • Make a contact list of all the people participating in the event and make sure that all the key participants (producer/s, moderator/s, presenter/s) are familiar with each other.
  • If there are multiple presenters, make sure that you create a single slide-deck that includes all of the presenters slides. Make sure to order the slides according to speaking order.
  • Collect presenter information so you can add profile information to the event description.
  • Collect as much of the supporting media for the presentation as early as possible such as PowerPoint decks and pre-recorded videos. even if its not the final version it will help with the dry run (make sure to clearly mark materials as draft to prevent it from being used in the live event).

Setting Up a Webcasting Event in MediaSpace

  • Gather profile information about the presenter/s, this includes a bio line, and head-shot and speaking order.
  • Upload your presentation.
  • Prepare a description text of the event to be displayed to the attendees in the Events web page you will be creating with Webcasting.
  • MediaSpace users should decide if they want the event to be published to a specific Category or Channel. This will be asked of you when creating an event. You can start by keeping the event Private and publish the event later on. 
  • Define what image you would like to have represent the event. By default  the image will be the first page of the slide deck you upload to the event but you can also upload a separate image as a thumbnail.
  • All presenters need to be added as Co-editors to the event. 
  • All Webcasting Moderators need to be added through the Media Collaboration tab. To learn how to assign Webcasting Moderators, see Media Collaboration.

Assign the Webcasting Moderators

  • Only media owners can assign moderators for a Kaltura Webcasting event through the Media Collaboration Tab in Kaltura MediaSpace.
  • Only after a Webcasting Moderator is assigned as a collaborator, the Moderator View may be launched through the Actions menu in the Webcast Event URL. The Webcast URL is obtained by clicking View Event Page. See Launching the Moderator View Application.
  • Even if the moderator is not a member of the webcast channel/category or if the webcast is unlisted, the moderator will have access to viewing and moderating the event. Webcast entries will not be rendered in the moderator’s search queries unless the moderator has entitlements to the specific channel or category where the Webcast entry is located.

Equipment and Technical Preparation for a Webcasting Event

  • Schedule a meeting with the key participants to set tasks and expectations. Clarify and define each of the participants roles and responsibilities there can be validated and adjusted in the dry-run session. 
  • Schedule a date for running a dry run of the event. The dry run should include participation of the four key event participants, the producer/s, moderator/s, presenter/s and at least one or two attendees to view the broadcast to ensure that all the key participants are familiar with the Webcasting feature, and can practice using it while not in a live scenario. A dry run is especially important if you are broadcasting to a global audience to make sure that the different locales are setup properly to receive sound and video. It is also a good time to test run a draft of the presentation to make sure that the images in the presentation are clear and visible on different types and qualities of screens (PC, laptop, projector).
  • Contact Kaltura support to let them know about the event and time.
  • Determine whether you will be using Kaltura Self-serve or external encoders to broadcast your event. If you are using external encoders, verify that all encoders are set up and able to stream to Kaltura; decide on the quality and bit rate of the broadcast. If you are planning to use a white glove service, schedule the dry run with them and their equipment.

Dry Run Webcast Event and Success Criteria

  • A few days before the planned webcast, schedule at least one 30 to 60 minute run-through with all participants to work out any unresolved questions or technical issues.
  • Discuss how to use the tool, what features are available to the presenters, and where participants can go to get extra practice in using the tool on their own before the event.
  • Ensure that all of your presenters' operating systems, web browsers, headsets, and other equipment are compatible and fulfill Kaltura Webcasting's requirements. 
  • Go over the agenda and move through the presentation to ensure that slides are in the right order and that speakers know where they come in. Before the run-through, compile your presenters' visuals and load them into the conferencing tool. This will help presenters understand what the attendees will see, as the presenters' view is different from the attendees' view.

Pro tip: Recommend presenters to wear plain colored clothing on the day of the broadcast. Patterned clothes such as plaid or stripes often don't appear well in video.

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