Managing VOD Creation for Webcasting Events

Kaltura Webcasting enables you to create a VOD of your Webcasting event, and make the VOD available to participants who were unable to attend the live event. By default, each event creates a VOD. 

Archiving Events 

Archiving events enables the producer to store all current event content, including VOD and slides, to a separate entry, and clear the live entry to be reused. The archiving functionality can be used when performing a dry-run for the event, or when the producer would like to re-use the same live entry without losing content. Archiving an entry will place all archived content in a separate entry and prepare the live entry for re-use. 

This content includes: 

  • VOD
  • Q&A / announcements / answer on-air cue points 
  • Poll(s) and respondent results 
  • Slide cue points 
  • Controlled view cue points 

Performing a Dry Run

As standard practice, most event organizers will perform a dry run of their event. Once the dry run ends and you feel all went well, you can select to archive the entry. This will remove all dry-run data from the live entry and store it in a separate entry should you need to reference it again. A new VOD entry will be created for the content of the live event. 

Re-Using Live Events

In some cases, the producer may want to re-use the same live entry configuration for multiple events. For example, for an event that occurs each month for the same audience, the producer may want to maintain the same live entry link. In this case, the VOD content of the previous event is also important and producers would, therefore, want to archive the content and make it available to viewers. However, this option means that you are foregoing the option to have VOD available on the same URL as the live event in favor of reusing the same encoder settings for the next live event. In this case the producer may want to send attendees the link to the VOD of the previous event.
When archiving content, the entry will retain all of the information relevant to VOD from the live webcast: 

  • All VOD available on the webcast entry (regardless of previous start/stop broadcasts) 
  • Slide cue points 
  • Controlled view cue points 
  • Answer on-air cue points
  • Title, description, etc. 
  • Owner

Archiving Webcasting Events 

1. Click "Archive". Note that this button is made available only when there's no ongoing broadcast, and the webcasting application shows it is Off-Air. You cannot clear an entry while on-air. 

2. Click “Yes, continue” to clear the archived content. Note the entry ID of the archived VOD for future reference.

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