Popular Articles

  1. Add a channel to a gallery

    You can add or 'assign' a channel to a gallery or sub-gallery depending on your entitlements.
  2. Entries tab in KMC

    A Kaltura entry is the file that is created when you upload media to the Kaltura Management Console aka KMC.
  3. Upload media

    Uploading media from your desktop to your video portal is quick and easy.
  4. Can KAF be configured differently to make use of another SSO attribute as the category name?

    In KAF-based integrations, when looking in the KMC category tree, the categories that represent KAF channels in the external system (e.g. Moodle course or SharePoint site) are named using numbered IDs or GUIDs which sometimes may not even make sense...
  5. Set up Kaltura Self-serve for Broadcasting

    After you have configured the Kwebcast module and enabled Kaltura Webcasting with the Self-serve capabilities,  the following screen is displayed when you launch the application: By default, Preview Live is setup for self-serve broadcasting...
  6. Setting a Dedicated Player for a Specific Media Type for MediaSpace and KAF Applications

    This article is intended for MediaSpace and KAF applications' administrators and describes how to set dedicated players for different types of media in Kaltura MediaSpace and KAF applications. If none of the players are set or configured for the m...
  7. How do I launch live broadcasting in Lecture Capture?

    At the moment live streaming for Lecture Capture is only available for scheduled events (not for ad-hoc). On the Lecture Capture Create Event page, there is a “Live Event” checkbox. Check this box to set up your live streaming event . When it i...
  8. Why am I getting a third-party cookie error when accessing one of the Kaltura tools?

    The Kaltura video tools included in LMSs - e.g. My Media, Media Gallery, Shared Repository and content embedded using the Kaltura icon – require support for session cookies . In recent months several browsers (including IE and Safari) changed thei...
  9. Media Repurposing

    Overview of Media Repurposing Media Repurposing Packaged Policies Media Repurposing Actions A wide range of actions are applicable on the media assets. Open Architecture As part of Kaltura's platform, Media Repurposing is an open solution...
  10. How to add users in bulk

    The following article explores options for adding users in bulk via the Kaltura Management Console (aka KMC) and via the KMS/KAF admin page. You can choose the option that works for you! There is a 5000 user limitation on channel an...
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