New Articles

  1. Upload Media From Your Desktop - My Media V2UI, Media Gallery & Browse Search and Embed Components

    This article describes uploading media from your desktop in My Media (V2UI),  Media Gallery, and Browse Search and Embed components. To learn about the upload media flow in My Media, please visit Upload Media From Your Desktop in My Med...
  2. KMC Release Notes January 1, 2023

    Version: v7.9.0 Date Released: January 1, 2023 What's New Brand new Studio! -  We are happy to launch Kaltura Player Studio for Player V7, replacing the TV platform studio, with improved UI and advanced players management capabilit...
  3. KMC Release Notes Decebmer 19, 2022 v7.8.0

    Version: v7.8.0 Date Released: December 19, 2022 What's New Low latency live streams (beta) support  - Admins can now enable Low Latency HLS for specific entries. You may turn on the "Low Latency" switch under "live s...
  4. KMC Release Note November 6, 2022 v7.7.1

    Version: v7.7.1 Date Released: November 6, 2022 Resolved Issues ID Description KMCNG-2459 Fix broken link in contextual help PSVAMB-39092 Enable save button when selecting entry category from the categories tree selector ...
  5. KMC Release Note September 18, 2022 v.7.7.0

    Version: v7.7.0 Date Released: September 18, 2022 Resolved Issues ID Description SUP-31434 Use baseEntryList instead of playlistList action to support eSearch queries ...
  6. The Kaltura Player - January 1, 2023

    Includes: Kaltura Player (V7), Player Plugins, Kaltura Player Studio Date: January 1, 2023 What's New Kaltura Player  Everyone uses our player- to watch videos, study, learn something new, re-skill, onboard,andstream a live br...
  7. Chat and Collaborate widget

    This article provides an overview of the Chat & Collaborate widget for both the Attendee and Moderator.
  8. ChatandcollaborationAdmin module

    About This module is used to setup announcements and to configure the admin integration for Events in the Chat and Collaboration (C&C) widget.  Configure enable - set to Yes to enable the module. AnnouncementsAppUrl Descri...
  9. KMS and KAF Player V7 replacement tool

    Use the Player V7 Replacement Tool to seamlessly modify your KMS and KAF application's default Players from the legacy player (V2) to the new player (V7). Select a dedicated system player (V7) or any unique player ID (V7) of your choi...
  10. Floating

    Overview As the viewer scrolls down, if the player moves out of view, a floating player will pop up and position itself according to the configuration. This enables viewers to engage with both the video content and the article seamlessly. Se...
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