My Media Theming UI


My Media is the user's personal repository allowing them to create, view, search and manage private media content. Thus, My Media is the media repository of a single user. Media items in the My Media repository may be published, shared, and embedded within the course pages and Media Gallery based on the user's entitlements.

This article describes how to work in My Media in Canvas.

The following instructions apply to My Media Theming UI. 

Access My Media

Enter your course, then on the left menu bar, click on My Media. My Media displays.

The My Media link is typically located on the course navigation panel, as seen in our example. However, depending on your account setup, you may access My Media differently. See your Kaltura Administrator for further information.

Media is displayed on this page if you have uploaded it or were added as a media collaborator.

If you have not uploaded any media yet, see Add Media for instructions on doing so.

If you cannot access My Media content/actions, ask your Kaltura Administrator to give you the required permission.

Set the My Media Display

Content in My Media may be displayed in one of three ways - Grid, Detailed, or Collapsed view. You may change this display by clicking one of the three buttons below:

Collapsed View

Detailed View

Table View

Manage Media

To learn more about managing your media, please see Manage Media.

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