Room reports provide event organizers and Sponsors various meeting, chat, and engagement statistics to better recognize and analyze attendees and prospect leads behavior. The reports will be available via the self-serve ‘My Reports’ dashboard.
For information on how to access the room's reports, see Self Served 'My Reports' Dashboard Guide.
Rooms Engagement report
Gathering data on attendees’ engagement and participation during an active virtual room session. This is one report with all rooms sessions.
Rooms Engagement Report Sample
Report Fields
Session ID
Room ID
Room name
Participant count
Session duration (min)
Total viewing hours - The session's participants count
Session Start Date
Session End Date
Recording (Exists/None)
AVG session duration (min) per user
AVG focus time %  - An average on all attendees, where for each attendee, it is measured by the time the meeting room tab and the browser were on top divided by the time they spent in the room.
Rooms Attendance report
Gathering data about attendees’ participation status in a certain virtual room during an event.
Rooms Attendance Report Sample
Report Fields
Room Name
Room ID
Kaltura User ID
First Name
Last Name
Duration (seconds)
Attention (seconds) - The time the attendee's meeting room tab and the browser were on top.
Rooms Chat logs
Gather data on the questions, and chat from the virtual room to identify patterns and trends.
Rooms Chat Logs Sample
Report Fields
Room ID
Chat Type
Kaltura User ID